global warming David Cameron

4194 days ago

World Kindness Day ...Oh Please

In case you missed it, given that every day is World something or bloody other thing day, today is World Kindness Day. This is a day organised by the World Kindness Movement on which we are all urged to “celebrate and promote kindness in all its forms.”

Examples given from 2011 show the sort of fatuous way that the West slips into decline. There was an enormous “organised hug” on Bondi Beach in Australia. A Kindness Text wave swept the UK. A Kindness Awards ceremony took place in Italy.
I never cease to be amazed by the new heights of civilization and achievement that man reaches in the early part of the 21st Century. Awesome.

But just to show that I am embracing the spirit of the day I hereby pledge that for the whole of the 13th of November I shall not saying anything nasty about paedophiles in Belgium, believers in global warming, the lying scumbags at Sefton Resources or David Cameron. I cannot say fairer than that. Now who wants to give me a big hug?
